
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Potty Talk

J's company had their annual summer picnic today and thankfully the rain held off and it was not sweltering hot, although the humidity button could have been turned down. It was at a local park and as per the norm for my tiny little bladder, I knew I would have to eventually use the restroom. Now park restrooms are usually like rest area restrooms, pretty GROSS and I cringed and begged my bladder not to betray me and force me to have to search out the "park restroom" but alas my bladder had the last laugh...This restroom was either kept really clean or it was cleaned just for us. The toilets now they were something special, they were clean, but they were made out of some kind of metal and had no seat just the rim, guess they really don't want you getting too comfortable. So I said a quick "please don't let me catch anything and for sure don't let me loose my balance and fall in" prayer and sat, the toilet was so cold I thought I might actually get frostbite! As I left the restroom I saw another unsuspecting victim headed in, I briefly thought about warning her but decided everyone needed to experience the shock of that freezing cold, lid free, metal device!

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