
Friday, July 16, 2010

It is all in the translation??!!

A few weeks ago, we got a note from the Recycling people, telling us how are barrels should be placed (I have an idea of where they should be placed!!). One of each side of the driveway. Okay so our driveway is narrow at the end and one of these days one of those bins is going to become a hood ornament on my van, the question remains will it be the pretty blue recycle bin or the ugly gray trash bin.
So on Tuesday, the conversation goes something like this:
"Son2, please go check to see if the recycling has come and if it has, please bring the barrel back and put it away"
Son2 grumbling the entire way down the driveway and back
"No it hasn't come yet"
"Okay while I am gone, please keep an eye on it so you can bring the barrel back"
Several hours later I return home, as I am getting ready for my afternoon tanning session at the track, I ask Son2 "did you check the recycling bin?"
"oh ah no"
"please go do it"
again grumbling all the way down the driveway, this time with his head shaking and some muttering, he eventually returns to the house,
"yes it has come"
"TELL ME you brought the barrel back and put it away"
"Um No you didn't say that you said to check it"
"OH Seriously tell me that you didn't leave that barrel at the end of the driveway"
"yeah cuz you just said to check it,"
This is the part of the conversation where my eyes start rolling, and my head starts spinning and some noise that sounds like it is from the exorcist erupts....
"GO GET THE RECYCLE BIN AND PUT IT WHERE IT GOES!! and then you get to walk 5 laps at the track for being...being...being...GRRRRRR!!"

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