
Thursday, July 22, 2010


I have been reading "I Hate it When Exercise is the Answer" by Emily Watts
Exercise #7: Understanding Men
"The next time you are frustrated because you don't seem to be getting a response from the man in your life, remind yourself that he is not deliberately being obtuse. It's just the way he's wired. Communicate your needs clearly and directly, and don't forget to express gratitude when they are met."

So, living with 2 men, my wonderful husband and son2, who are very literal I am trying to become more detailed in my requests. The other day their was a basket of clean, folded towels on the floor.
To son1 I said "Please take this basket upstairs and put them neatly in the closet"
The second I said it, I had visions of son2 taking the basket upstairs and putting basket, towels and all in the closet. "Wait a minute"
I get the annoyed teenage look-I am sure you have all seen it..sometimes it even comes with an eye roll.
"I want you to take the basket of towels upstairs, place the towels neatly in the closet where they go, and bring the empty basket back downstairs" quite proud of myself for covering all the areas that could cause mis-interpretation, son1 took the basket upstairs, put the towels away and then proceeded to toss the empty basket down the stairs..thump..thump..thump... Sometimes you just can't win!!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Seriously, it describes most mothers issues with children to the tee.
